LICUAS Group, a sector-leading company on the Spanish market, is made up of a group of service organizations.
Our areas of specialization include environment(landscaping, gardening, water management and waste collection), infrastructure (motorway maintenance, city road maintenance, parking operator, ground handling at airports), building management, energy, construction and civilengineering, and management of public and private concessions.
LICUAS was created in 1985, focusing itsactivities on urban services. It later branched out into construction, thus ensuring a competitive advantage and vertically integrated solutions in these fields.
Moreover, in 2012, LICUAS open up borders, creating the International Department. Based on that, we develop its core activity also in other International countries, such as Qatar, Poland, Peru, Colombia and Uruguay.

LICUAS created in QATAR in 2013. With a workforce of over 500 employees, LICUAS offers professionalism and excellence throughout the life cycle of the project, from conception, design and construction through to exploitation. The keys to success are our service, organizational approach, the professionalism of our teams, our management systems and our delivery capacity.
This service, which it offers to both customers and the general public affected by the work carried out, are part of LICUAS DNA. Thecompany’s human teams have a clear focus on customers and their needs, always striving to improve and advance in new technological developments.
LICUAS understands Corporate Social Responsibility as an opportunity to strengthen alliances with its customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, society in general, and our entire natural environment.

We strive for the wellbeing of our citizens by “Filling cities with life”
LICUAS provides professional skills and acknowledges across the total project life-cycle, from the concept stage through design and construction to operations. Our services, our organizational approach, our skills, systems, delivery ability, all form an integrated whole. At each stage of every project, we bring the same philosophy to bear:
We believe that, as contributors to social welfare, we must combine efforts to provide an optimal-quality service without forgetting thosearound us, those who help make it possible, and an environment we must look after for future generations.
Because we believe we can, we propose continuing to move forward with our health and safety, quality, environment and CSR policies. LICUAS have a wide range of responsibilities that go beyond just meeting their legal obligations. They cannot close their eyes to the problems andchallenges facing society today.
At LICUAS, we are continually looking for new ways to develop communication channels with stakeholders, as a way to ensure constant improvements in our relations with people we work with. We have led to the equality and conciliation measures implemented in our organization, and our continued participation and collaboration with NGOs and entities related to the social, sports and environmental spheres.

Client Commitment
Complete identity of interests with the client at all levels, thereby avoiding damaging confrontational attitudes. Client orientation is one of the main pillars for LICUAS, which has developed an attention to client needs, based on modern CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques.
This strategy has proven successful by the number of repeated customers along the years, with an extremely high retention rate, above market rates.Long-term contracts in which to add value through innovation are among the most preferable. This way will be more efficient in the solution. It will bring savings to the Government agency or private customer for the provision of services, offering a more excellent added value.
Team Building
Trained, expert managers committed to the very best of modern management practices, thus ensuring clients get the most cost-effective, successful services possible. The diversified portfolio has enabled LICUAS to develop cross-functional teams, with common goal and objectives, rather than individual ones.
We develop our staff through annual PDRs (Performance and Development Reviews), which measures the common goals based on the company values, but enables us to create a tailored personal development programme. Based on our strategy, we try to develop long term contracts, which also offer the opportunity to invest in people.
Innovation & Flexibility
An overriding concern with quality, reinforced by a can-do, hands-on approach which fosters a positive attitude, brings the concept of innovation to everything LICUAS does. The need to adjust the strategies to become more active, to improve client´s engagement, trust, commitment and satisfaction are critical ingredients to overall services effectiveness. LICUAS has managed to adapt and develop new business models, and flexibility is at the heart of the company value.

Global Reach
Provision of the same high level of performance wherever we operate, using local offices and resources but with the co-ordination of these resources, standards and know-how across the Group. This based on our PDRs strategy, which set common goals and values across the international Group.